Saturday, June 7, 2008

Coming Home To Unrest

Could this be blamed all to hormones?

Or sweet side-effects of being anxious and at the same time excited?

How this ambivalent confuses my nerves up - of feeling both positive and negative emotions at the same time and in the same situation.

The positive valence of gratefulness and happiness pacifies my contentment yet are being pulled down by the negative valence of fear, worries and hate.

I hate it. I hate seeing selfishness at work. I just don’t understand why some could really sleep at night knowing how the 6 out of 7 deadly capital sins lead her/his life.

A daily dose of pride, avarice, envy, gluttony and slothfulness that greets my morning and bid my night – have a shot of this twice and I know I will be overdose with this too soon.

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